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In the space industry context, the term "simpler" doesn't refer to a specific technology, concept, or system. Instead, it generally relates to the ongoing efforts within the industry to streamline operations, design, manufacturing processes, and mission architectures to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize complexities. Making systems "simpler" can involve a wide range of approaches, from adopting more straightforward design principles and utilizing off-the-shelf components to employing reusable rockets and spacecraft.

General Description

"Simpler" approaches in the space industry aim to reduce the barriers to space access, making it more affordable and reliable. This can include simplifying spacecraft designs to reduce the number of parts and potential points of failure, streamlining manufacturing processes to shorten production times, and using technologies that allow for the rapid turnaround of launch vehicles and spacecraft. The push towards simplicity is driven by the need to make space exploration and satellite deployment more sustainable and accessible.

Application Areas

  • Launch Vehicles: Developing reusable rockets that can be launched, landed, and refurbished for multiple missions.
  • Satellite Design: Creating modular satellite platforms that can be easily adapted for different missions, reducing the need for custom designs.
  • Mission Planning: Employing standardized mission architectures that can accommodate a variety of payloads and objectives without significant redesigns.

Risks and Challenges

While striving for simplicity offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. Over-simplification can potentially overlook the need for redundancy and robustness in critical systems, increasing the risk of mission failure. Balancing simplicity with the inherent complexities of space missions requires careful consideration of mission requirements, environmental challenges, and safety standards.


In the space industry, "simpler" is an ethos that emphasizes efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. By focusing on simplifying aspects of space missions and technology, the industry aims to foster innovation, expand access to space, and enable a more sustainable future for space exploration.


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