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English: Planing / Deutsch: Planung / Español: Planificación / Português: Planejamento / Français: Planification / Italiano: Pianificazione /

In aerospace, planing refers to the phenomenon in which an aircraft or other vehicle rises up and glides over the surface of water or other fluid, rather than submerging or penetrating through it.

This is possible because of the principle of hydrodynamic lift, where the shape of the vehicle's hull or underside creates a region of low pressure under the vehicle, which creates an upward force that lifts the vehicle up and allows it to plane over the surface.

Planing is typically used in seaplanes, hovercraft, and some boats and watercraft. It is an important consideration in the design of such vehicles, as the shape and size of the hull or underside can greatly affect the ability of the vehicle to plane efficiently and safely.

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In the context of the space industry, "planing" typically refers to the aerodynamic phenomenon observed when an aircraft or spacecraft achieves lift and glides over the surface of a fluid, such as air or water. Planing is crucial for the operation of certain vehicles during atmospheric entry or re-entry, where they utilize the fluid dynamics to maintain stability and control. This phenomenon involves the interaction between the vehicle's shape, speed, and the properties of the fluid it traverses, and it plays a significant role in the design and performance of spacecraft during critical phases of their missions.

Application Areas

  • Atmospheric Entry and Re-entry of Spacecraft
  • Aerodynamic Control Systems Design
  • Hypersonic Vehicle Development

Treatment and Risks

  • Treatment:

    • Advanced aerodynamic modeling and simulation techniques to optimize vehicle design for efficient planing.
    • Implementation of aerodynamic control systems to maintain stability and maneuverability during planing.
    • Rigorous testing and validation procedures to ensure the effectiveness and safety of planing operations.
  • Risks:

    • Loss of control due to aerodynamic instabilities or unexpected fluid dynamics effects.
    • Structural damage or failure caused by excessive forces during planing.
    • Thermal stresses during atmospheric entry or re-entry, leading to heat-related issues.

Examples of Successes

  • Success: Space Shuttle Orbiter - Successfully utilized planing during atmospheric re-entry to glide back to Earth and land safely.
  • Success: SpaceX Dragon Capsule - Demonstrated effective aerodynamic control and planing during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.

Examples of Failures

  • Failure: Mars Polar Lander (1999) - Lost contact during atmospheric entry, possibly due to aerodynamic instability or planing-related issues.

Other Examples

  • Planing maneuvers during reentry of spacecraft through Earth's atmosphere
  • Designing spacecraft heat shields to facilitate controlled planing during reentry
  • Studying the aerodynamics of spacecraft to optimize planing characteristics
  • Simulating planing behavior in spacecraft during atmospheric entry in mission planning

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Aerodynamic Lift during Reentry
  • Atmospheric Skimming
  • Dynamic Air Cushioning
  • Hydrodynamic Glide
  • Surface Interaction Maneuver


These links provide information about atmospheric reentry and spacecraft planing maneuvers from various space agencies and companies around the world.


In the space industry, planing refers to the aerodynamic phenomenon observed during the gliding phase of a vehicle over a fluid medium. This phenomenon is crucial for spacecraft during atmospheric entry or re-entry, influencing their stability, control, and overall performance. Effective treatment involves advanced aerodynamic design, control systems, and rigorous testing to mitigate risks associated with planing. Successful examples include the Space Shuttle Orbiter and SpaceX Dragon Capsule, while failures such as the Mars Polar Lander underscore the importance of understanding and managing planing-related challenges in space exploration. Continued research and development in this area are essential for enhancing the safety and efficiency of spacecraft operations.


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