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Below are listed some random articles of the glossary.
Deutsch: Landezone / Español: Zona de aterrizaje / Português: Zona de pouso / Français: Zone d'atterrissage / Italiano: Zona di atterraggio /
The touchdown zone (TDZ) is the first 3000 feet (roughly 1000 m) of the runway or the first third of the runway, whichever is less, measured from the threshold.
Deutsch: Hypothese / Español: Hipótesis / Português: Hipótese / Français: Hypothèse / Italian: Ipotesi
Hypothese refers to a proposed explanation for a phenomenon or a speculative statement about the relationship between variables, which can be tested and validated or refuted through observation and experimentation.
Deutsch: Weltraummüll / Español: basura espacial / Português: detritos espaciais / Français: débris spatiaux / Italiano: detriti spaziali
Space debris refers to non-functional, human-made objects in Earth's orbit, including defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, and fragments resulting from collisions or disintegrations.
Deutsch: Exoplanet / Español: Exoplaneta / Português: Exoplaneta / Français: Exoplanète / Italiano: Esopianeta
An exoplanet is a planet that orbits a star outside our solar system. These celestial bodies vary widely in size, composition, and orbital characteristics, and their discovery and study are key areas of research in the space industry.
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