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Below are listed some random articles of the glossary.
Deutsch: Diffusion / Español: difusión / Português: difusão / Français: diffusion / Italian: diffusione
Diffusion in the space industry context refers to the process by which particles, such as gases, liquids, or even thermal energy, spread out from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. This phenomenon occurs due to the random motion of particles and plays a crucial role in various aspects of spacecraft design, life support systems, and material science in space environments.
Deutsch: Kontraktion / Español: Contracción / Português: Contração / Français: Contraction / Italiano: Contrazione
Contraction in the space industry context refers to the physical phenomenon where materials, structures, or spacecraft components decrease in size or volume due to changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature variations or pressure differences. This concept is crucial for designing and managing space missions, as it affects the integrity and functionality of spacecraft and their components.
Deutsch: Säurestärke / Español: Fuerza ácida / Português: Força ácida / Français: Force acide / Italiano: Forza dell'acido
Acid strength in the space industry context refers to the measure of an acid's ability to donate a proton or accept an electron pair in reactions. In space applications, understanding and controlling acid strength is important for material selection, corrosion control, and fuel processing, particularly in the operation and maintenance of spacecraft.
Deutsch: Luftverkehrsinterferenz / Español: Interferencia en el tráfico aéreo / Português: Interferência no tráfego aéreo / Français: Interférence du trafic aérien / Italiano: Interferenza nel traffico aereo
Air Traffic Interference refers to the disruption or impact on regular air traffic operations caused by space industry activities. This includes rocket launches, spacecraft re-entries, and other space-related events that affect the movement and safety of aircraft within controlled airspace.
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