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English: Research / Deutsch: Forschung / Español: Investigación / Português: Pesquisa / Français: Recherche / Italiano: Ricerca /

Research is the process for increasing the stock of knowledge by creative and systematic work.

Research can be just simple "try and error" or a systematic expansion on past work in the field. This expansion is mostly called R&D (Research and Development).

Research in the aerospace context refers to the process of investigating and developing new technologies, materials, and systems related to aerospace engineering, aeronautics and astronautics. This research can include the study of aerospace systems and subsystems, the development of new propulsion systems, the study of aerodynamics, the study of materials and structures, and the study of guidance, navigation and control systems.

Examples of aerospace research include:

  • The development of new propulsion systems such as electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems for aircraft and spacecraft
  • The study of materials and structures to improve the efficiency and performance of aircraft and spacecraft
  • The study of aerodynamics to improve the performance and fuel efficiency of aircraft
  • The development of new guidance, navigation, and control systems for aircraft and spacecraft
  • The study of human factors, such as the effects of long-duration spaceflight on the human body
  • The study of the potential of reusable launch vehicles, such as the SpaceX's Falcon series and Blue Origin's New Shepard.

Examples of organizations involved in aerospace research include NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos), private aerospace companies such as SpaceX, Boeing, and Airbus, and research institutions such as universities and national laboratories.

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